The Lincoln County Auxiliary Communications Association (LCACA) is a dedicated team of amateur radio enthusiasts committed to enhancing community safety and preparedness. Our primary mission is to provide reliable auxiliary communications support to government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) during emergencies and disasters.

Founded on the principles of volunteerism and technical proficiency, LCACA leverages the power of amateur radio and other alternative communication methods to ensure continuous and effective communication when conventional systems fail. Our members are highly skilled in operating various communication technologies, allowing us to adapt to diverse and challenging situations.

LCACA is proud to be an integral part of the Skywarn program, collaborating with the National Weather Service to relay critical weather information and warnings. Our volunteers play a crucial role in monitoring weather conditions, reporting severe weather events, and disseminating timely alerts to the public and emergency management officials.

With a strong commitment to community service and disaster readiness, LCACA stands ready to assist in any situation where reliable communication is vital. Join us in our mission to make Lincoln County a safer and more resilient community.

Please feel free to join us at our monthly meetings, held at the Lincoln County Community Center,(LCCOA), 1380 Boone St, Troy, MO 63379, at 6pm, on the second monday of each month.

Please check our Events page to see some of the type of projects we are currently working on, or planning for the future. If you are ready to jump in, the Membership page is where to go. If you can't find the answer on the website, then use the Contact page to get in touch with us.

Our members are also involved in many other radio clubs, service organizations and conservation efforts. The sidebar contains links to these other world-class organizations.

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