
 Weekly Sunday Net

We host a weekly net on the KA0EJQ Repeater. Feel free to join us if you are a licensed ham and in the areas served by the repeater and its links. We welcome any and all hams.

 Winter Field Day

Winter Field Day is one of the club's favorite events. In fact, it is the event that brought most of us together initially. We look forward to and plan for this event all year long.

WFD is the last weekend of January.

 Parks on the Air

Parks on the Air is a great way to get outside, share radio with others and work out kinks in your system.

Activating a park can be as simple as parking a car and throwing a wire up in to a tree or as complicated as a multi-day cross country ski trip to carry gear into a remote section of frozen wilderness.

 Summits on the Air

Summits on the Air is an area the club is looking at getting involved with. In our home State of Missouri, there are 57 official SOTA summits. By the end of 2025, the club hopes to have done some activations in the Saint Francois Mountains.

Additionally, one of the club's members has high-altitude mountaineering experience climbing in glaciated terrain on two continents. No firm plans exist at this time for such a daring activation, but it is often pondered.