
To promote the mutually beneficial values of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) through FCC Part 97 amateur radio while simultaneously encouraging community service.


To help people of all ages engage in amateur radio, electronic, and technological experimentation with an emphasis on community disaster preparation and service.

Why Auxiliary Communications?

We don’t want to lose focus on the mission – community service. As concerned citizens, our primary function is the support of community preparation, and in rare circumstances community response. We are not, however, emergency responders, which is why we’ve chosen this language to emphasize what we are, which is supplemental community support. It's even in the phrase – “When all else fails, Amateur Radio Works!” Nothing about that suggests first ones in. Additionally, our club has chosen to focus beyond Amateur Radio services as we have members versed in a number of other communications disciplines outside of those covered by Part 97 (such as mesh networks, satellite based VoiP networks, GMRS, FM Satellite, etc.).

Community Service

Our membership also includes those with a desire to serve their community outside of communications. The ranks of the Lincoln County Auxiliary Communications Association includes professionals from all walks of life with diverse skillsets they are excited to share with their community.


Last, but certainly not least, fellowship. Our club provides a space for those with aligning interests to share their skills, passions, and expertise. We provide an environment with the desire and expectation of learning, and honing our own crafts, with not only the focus on service, but personal and community growth.